10 Digital marketing trends to follow in 2022

The post-pandemic world has witnessed changes in almost every phase of life and business. The technological solutions, financial habits, consumer behaviour, buying and selling strategies are far different than what they used to be two years back! New norms compel businesses and marketers to look for new ways to engage users and customers and come up with new selling and marketing plans.

With 2022 just on our doorstep, following strategies in digital marketing could give your business sales (whether retail, wholesale, offline, or online) a tremendous boost.

1. Use AI in Marketing

AI in Digital Marketing
AI is Transforming Digital Marketing

Companies from different niches all over the world are starting to understand the importance of AI-backed marketing. From getting search reports to keyword research. All seems to have been automated now. Linking AI to your marketing habits can drastically help improve tracking of organic traffic and build customer models which can then help understand what is to be sold and to whom. According to an Accenture report, AI in business can increase productivity by 40 per cent!

So better look into how you can connect AI, customer data, and SEO to generate sales.

2. Make use of Cost-effective Influencer Marketing

 Influencer Marketing

According to a Statista report, Instagram influencer marketing grew to 8.08 billion dollars by the end of 2020 and is projected to grow further in the coming years. Such an effective marketing strategy will only be more efficient if the target audience and influencer are well studied. By gathering data on the audience of an influencer and assessing them, it will be much easier to reach the target audience and hence improve sales. Next time you choose an influencer for your brand, know about their audience and build a predictive model for good profits.

3. Prioritize Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Ever since the pandemic started, Marketing budgets of companies across the globe saw a decrease. Gartner State of marketing Budget report of 2021  shows how the marketing budgets fell by 4.6% from 2020 to 2021. In the midst of such happenings, improving the connection between PR, content management and SEO is of utmost importance. Your marketing strategies should be as cost-effective as possible. Ensuring strong and consistent content is one such cost-effective step to take. This will enhance the rankings of your site and increase trust among your buyers. For example, if you have mastered a subject and created content on that, ensuring more people link to it will enhance your visibility and credibility.

Last but not the least, As long as your content quality is good and it is relevant, it will stand out.

4. Make it Mobile-Friendly

Mobile-Friendly Website

A PEW research report states how time spent on the internet by adults has increased by 5% in the past few years. The most popular device for this internet consumption habit is a smartphone. With more people accessing the internet on their phones and tablets, businesses need to focus on producing mobile-friendly content and site designs. Optimizing your site for mobile screens and using AMP (accelerated mobile pages) will help improve your site rankings as well as your sales.

5. Use Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistant

According to trend studying reports, consumers needing voice assistance to clear their concerns about a product and buying it will reach about 18 per cent. Hence use of Virtual Assistants for customer Service is one thing to not miss for your business. Virtual Assistants and Chatbots assist widely in attending inquiries via social media channels, emails, and chats and also aid effective marketing strategies like email marketing. AI-generated chatbots enhance customer experience and prevent company intervention hence saving time for both the company workers and customers.

6. Collect data by Zero Party Data Collection Method

After the implementation of GDPR and increasing concern of privacy among internet users, third-party cookies to collect data on customers and build prediction models are no longer an option for marketers. Many are now turning to first-party or zero party data collection to provide customers with relevant advertisements. Zero party data (data given directly by the customer to the brands) is now the key to getting to know about your customer. You can collect this data via surveys, gamification and direct interaction with customers.

7. Give more time to Online Reviews

Reviews are a key to obtaining customers’ trust. Statements by previous customers and buyers will now determine whether your product will sell or not. Reviews are what will give you an upper hand over your competition. Make sure whenever you get a buyer, they put a rating on your product. Asking them how you can improve will be a plus.

Another very useful review for business is by Google Business. These reviews are most credible and visible and help people get to your site or contact you.

8. Optimize for Zero Click Searches

This is when you type your question in a search engine like Google and your answer is in a box at the top of the page. You do not have to click on any links to get to your answer. These boxes (Position Zero) have all that you require.  Think of ways you can optimize your page titles to make them stand at zero position. This will do 50 per cent of the job for you, making you visible to your searchers. The only task now at hand will be to attract them to visit your site to know more about what you can offer them.

 9. Make use of Gamification

Incorporating game features in your site is a new must-follow marketing strategy. This fun and visually amazing strategy will help you ensure your customer loyalty and time. This will in turn make them more aware of what services or products you are providing thus generating sales for you.

Gamification can build a better emotional connection with the customer and can also help you know more about how you can improve a product. This will lead to the completion of goals on both sides of the table and bring an immense amount of satisfaction provided that your game is well designed.

10. Set up Hybrid Events

The covid pandemic had hurled people into attending virtual events, webinars, etc. Now that things are coming back to normal, marketers have two sorts of events to connect with their customers. While physical events are preferred by those wanting to leave the confines of their homes, virtual events appeal to those wanting to be part of events from the comfort of their homes. In such circumstances, building hybrid event models is what will be the best thing to do.

So, for any events that you plan for your business in 2022, make sure to set up a virtual setting as well as a physical setting. This will not only enhance your reach but will also make your brand more likeable and inclusive.

Closing down, make sure to put a maximum of these strategies to your brand and make it through to the top of search engines and customer preferences. To get to know more about how you can promote and market your site or product locally and internationally.

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